Process | SwitchFrame Media
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Getting Started

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Creative projects come in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes you have already have a concept that needs the right production team to make it a reality… That’s SwitchFrame!


Sometimes you know that you NEED video content to boost your online presence… but need a creative team to help get the ideas flowing… That’s SwitchFrame!


Or maybe you need turn-key, full-blown, wire to wire video services… That’s SwitchFrame too!


We’ll guide you every step of the way from conception, scripting, and storyboarding, to casting and shooting, and all the way through to post-production. Each phase is aligned with a schedule you approve, with well-defined deliverables along the way.













Here’s How These Processes Can Look

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This is one of the most important parts of the process to us! We like to carve out dedicated time to talk with you one-on-one. It helps us get inspired, understand your business, what you love, what you’re trying to accomplish, your brand, who the potential viewers are and what success looks like to you. This conversation (or conversations) really helps us get to know you and your project inside and out. We’ll digest everything, brainstorm and provide you with a proposal that fits your budget.

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Once we have the concept nailed down, we get started on your script. Like any creative process, the script will go through a few drafts until we’re all totally happy. In collaboration with your internal teams, we’ll craft the story that your brand deserves. Once the script is ready to go, we start storyboarding and/or shotlisting – covering what would be shown on camera for each segment of the script. Some of these segments become mini-videos in themselves! We also brainstorm all the additional visual components: props, b-roll, extras and on-screen graphics.

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This is when we start to get all of the pieces together from casting actors to scouting locations, to hiring voice over talent. We’ll put together schedules, shot lists and hire the most talented crew for your shoot.

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This is the fun part! Filming! Some projects need a huge production team… some projects need a small team. We’ll work with you to determine what we need, and what we can live without. We run a pretty tight set, but we also know how to have fun. You can even join us on set if you’d like!

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Once the dust has settled from the thrill of production, we sit down and start to review the raw footage. This is when we give the production its soul! We breathe life into the project by selecting the best shots, adding music, voice-overs, and graphics, We take most projects all the way from creative concept through production and post-production. But even if we didn’t produce your entire project we can jump in during post-production and help you refine the pacing and flow to enhance the key message or theme. No matter what approach we take, we provide plenty of opportunity for client feedback, direction, and collaboration. Once you give written feedback, we’ll deliver a final cut for your approval. Once you’re happy, we’re happy.

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Whether you need delivery for broadcast or online, once you’ve approved the final cut and are ready to show it off, we’ll have it ready for you in whatever format(s) you need. We’ll deliver you an amazing finished product on time and just as inspired as our first meeting.

Have a Project in Mind?